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Monday, August 25, 2014

Popcorn Sight Words....on a ring!

I created this product because I wanted a more meaningful connection between sight words and home! 

I sent home a binder ring in a ziploc to each child. I stressed the importance (to both parents and students)  of keeping this ring in a SAFE spot because we would be using it throughout the year. I added in the alphabet for letter identification and letter sounds too. 

Each week in my kindergarten class we cover 4 letters a week. I placed those 4 letters in baggies and put them in each child's homework folder. 

TIP: Instead of cutting out the letters individually, then sorting them, then stapling, stack them together,  cut them out and then staple! (a, b, c, d and then staple!) I found this out AFTER the fact! 

Each sight word belongs to a certain list. Here are the sight words included in my packet.

Red list:   I, see, a, the, like
Orange:    my, it, is, can, and
Yellow:      me, you, look, yes, no
Green:   he, she, go, play, are
Blue:    to, put, get, have,  said
Purple:  we, for, has, here, some
Pink:    in, do, had, with, come
Brown:    on, up, this, what, want

Any time they pass off that sight word, they get to color their kernel in their binder ring that color specific color.

What I love about the ring is they can practice their sight words on the go! In the car,  in the check out line, really anywhere!

I have laminated full sets of the sight word ring to use as fast finishers.

Click here to purchase! 

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